Donations by BHM

This is a list of donations and equipment which where bought or part funded by Beating Hearts Malta.  Equipment is donated to Mater Dei Hospital and donations are given via Bursaries to health care professionals.  BHM consults with the Mater Dei Hospital Cardiology Department doctors and consultants, in order to identify equipment which is needed, its cost and which equipment models are best procured. The same is done for the award of Bursaries.

Total amount of donations distributed by Beating Hearts Malta to date is of € 166,141.00

November 2020 Award of Bursaries – € 950.00

Award of the 2020 bursaries sponsored by Beating Hearts Malta to the healthcare professionals  that had applied for them. The aim of this initiative is to assist healthcare professionals based at Mater Dei Hospital to attend local and international courses, conferences and meetings directly related to adult and paediatric cardiology. In total one bursary has been awarded for a total of € 950.00. More information can be found in our News Page.

Bursaries 2020 group photo

August 2020 – Cardiovascular Research Scholarship – € 25,000.00

Sponsorship of a Cardiovascular Research Scholarship in collaboration with the Research, Innovation and Development Trust (RIDT) of the University of Malta. This scholarship is for a postgraduate student to work on a research project related to cardiovascular disease, in particular related to congenital and/or inherited cardiac diseases. More information can be found in our News Page.


June 2020 – Oxygen Concentrators – Covid-19 – Funded x 12 concentrators – € 9300.00

An oxygen concentrator is a device that helps COVID-19 patients breathe before they need to be on or after they are off the ventilator. The oxygen concentrator provides oxygen to a patient in concentrations that are higher than those available in the air. Thus, if lung function is impaired, this helps breathing as more oxygen is delivered into the lungs with each breath that the patient takes on his or her/own. More information can be found in our News Page.

Oxygen concentrator

November 2019 Philips CX 50 Portable Echo Machine – Funded – €35,000

The portable echo machine is the same as the usual echo machine with the difference being that it is portable, so that a patient does not need to be moved for an Echo to be performed (especially after the patient has undergone major surgery or is otherwise, for any reason, too unwell to be moved).

Echo Machine

November 2019 Award of Bursaries – € 3600.00

Award of the first bursaries sponsored by Beating Hearts Malta to the healthcare professionals  that had applied for them. The aim of this initiative is to assist healthcare professionals based at Mater Dei Hospital to attend local and international courses, conferences and meetings directly related to adult and paediatric cardiology. In total six bursaries have been awarded for a total of € 3600.00. More information can be found in our News Page.

November 2019 bursaries award group photo

June 2019 – AliveCor Kardia ECG Device – Part Funded – € 291.00

BHM part funded in collaboration with Prohealth 5 x  AliveCor KArdia ECG devices. The Kardia device allows assessment of the electricity of the heart by recording a single lead ECG. These devices are used for the outpatient assessment of patients with palpitations. These devices will be used in the new outpatient clinic. More information can be found in our News Page

June 2016 Philips IE33 Echo Machine – Funded €50,000 

An Echocardiogram machine is used to perform an ultrasound of the heart to check the size and shape of the heart, pumping capacity and a wealth of other information, and transforms them in high quality images. This is used for adults and children alike and is used to monitor heart disease and congenital heart disease (CHD)

July 2018 Siemens CPET Machine € 35,000 (part funded – total cost € 80,000)

This machine is used to test the performance of the heart and lungs at rest and during exercise. This is used for adults and children alike and includes patients who have undergone or need major heart surgery.

January 2016 Philips Foetal Echo Probe – Part Funded – € 7,000 (total cost – € 12,000)

This probe is similar to the regular one used for ultra sound but is smaller in size. This is used to check for any heart problems for the developing, unborn baby. Any potential issues allows treatment to be planned for when the baby is born. More information can be found in our News Page.